喜欢一个人就会觉得自己喜欢的人是全天下最好的 就算有缺点也会忽略不计...会觉得自己永远配不上他 他的所有小动作都会放大一百倍苦思冥想然后给自己遐想的机会 其实心里早就知道不可能 只是潜意识回避这个问题 几次决定放弃到最后还是会为他一颦一笑吸引 大概这种感觉是最美好又最难过的吧....
像我这样 成就或太牵强
而像你这样 每一位也心痒
清楚 你未暗示我 是我幻想
给我想太多 导致内伤
之前听这首歌单纯觉得好听 也不知道什么含义,现在听说实话感触挺深的吧,够钟死心了,可何时才能真正放下呢 人不就是这样吗,安慰别人的时候头头是道,自己遇上点过不去的坎,立马无法自拔,道理都懂,只是情绪作祟,故事太撩人。
主人公觉得自己什么都不行 而对方非常优秀,一直以来都是自己自作多情 自己不应该再沉迷下去,应该要死心离开。自己做了那么多,只换来一句"别勉强"。
简单来说 就是 主人公觉得自己应该对一个自己高攀不起的对象放弃,不再沉迷.
像我这样 成就或太牵强
而像你这样 每一位也心痒
清楚 你未暗示我 是我幻想
给我想太多 导致内伤
迷药快过 回复正常
过几多通宵 至肯醒觉才愿退烧
爱不了 却偏走不了 别说笑
没有感受 灵魂被你拖走
缠在你左右 我乞讨等接收
风沙扑面我未怕 为你暴走
惊觉只有沙 没有绿洲
还是放弃 无谓献丑
过几多通宵 至肯醒觉才愿退烧
爱不了 却偏走不了 没救了
何事落到这收场 枯死在你的手上
风花月似戏一场 遗容任你瞻仰
壮观得夸张 你可会流着泪冥想
最终你 吐出这一句 别勉强.
The original singer of "Enough Bell" is Zhou Bohao, composed by Feng Xiyu and Zhou Guoxian, telling the story of a love experience in which a relationship is over and then begins another stage of the relationship. It is a Cantonese song.
This song talks about the bitter and unrequited love and finally decided to give up this fruitless relationship
If you like someone, you will feel that the person you like is the best in the world. Even if you have shortcomings, you will ignore it... You will feel that you will never be worthy of him. All his small actions will magnify a hundred times and give yourself a chance to reverie. In fact, I knew in my heart that it was impossible to just subconsciously avoid this problem. I decided to give up a few times and I would still attract him with a smile at the end. Perhaps this feeling is the most beautiful and sad...
From the beginning, she clearly stated that the other party belongs to the lover of the masses, and the person who makes every suitor's heart touched, expressed in the words with heart, it is a scratching like, and she has never implied herself, but herself Wishful thinking about internal injuries.
Before listening to this song, I just thought it was good and I didn’t know the meaning. Now I heard that the truth is quite deep. It’s enough time to let it go, but when can I really let it go? I can't get rid of the hurdles I can't pass immediately. I understand the truth. It's just emotional, and the story is too attractive.
The protagonist feels that he can't do anything but the other party is very good. He has always been passionate about himself. He shouldn't be addicted anymore, he should leave with all his heart. I did so much by myself, only to say "don't force".
To put it simply, the protagonist feels that he should give up on an object he can't afford and stop obsessing.
本文由Learning Yard学苑原创,如有侵权请联系。
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